Choose a Fleet category
Choose a Scallop fishing season
Vulnerability index = (sensitivity index * exposure index) - adaptation capacity index
The grey colour represents the areas not occupied by the whole category of fleets.
CD : Trawlers-Dredgers
CAD : Trawlers using passive gears
DE : Exclusive Dredgers
DP : Polyvalent Dredgers
T1 : Vessels < 15m
T2 : Vessels > 15m and <16m
T3 : Vessels >= 16m
CAD : Trawlers using passive gears
DE : Exclusive Dredgers
DP : Polyvalent Dredgers
T1 : Vessels < 15m
T2 : Vessels > 15m and <16m
T3 : Vessels >= 16m
Lowest : 0
Low : ]0 - 0.25[
Moderate : [0.25 - 0.50[
High : [0.50 - 0.75[
Highest : [0.75 - 1]
Low : ]0 - 0.25[
Moderate : [0.25 - 0.50[
High : [0.50 - 0.75[
Highest : [0.75 - 1]